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St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School Hope in God

Meet the Local Governing Committee

St Wilfrid's Local Governing Committee 2022-2023


Anne Hudspith - Co- Chair of Governors  September 2022

Chair of Governors - December 2017 - September 2022 

Foundation Governor Appointed from October 2016 and reappointed January 2020- 2024

Link Governor: SEND, CLA, HTPM, Finance and Maths

Relationship with Staff – None     

Register of Interests (Business or Pecuniary) - None

Following a career in Catholic education spanning almost 39 years, where I worked in the primary sector as a head teacher for fifteen years and served on the governing body of two Catholic, secondary schools, I was delighted to become a member of St Wilfrid’s Governing Body.

I have a genuine interest in school improvement at all levels and a deep rooted belief in the importance of education for all, providing a safe inclusive and nurturing environment in which both pupils and staff are challenged to achieve their full potential.

I am passionate about helping to develop Catholic education, which I believe gives our children the best opportunity to flourish in an environment centred on Christ and his teachings.


Dorothy Rollason – Co- Chair of Governors  September 2022

Foundation Governor – Appointed September 2022-2026

Link Governor- Early Years, Curriculum and Governor Training

Relationships with Staff- None  

Registry of Interests (Business and Pecuniary) – None

I am delighted to join the Governing Body of St Wilfrid’s school. As a retired and experienced headteacher of two Catholic schools in Worcestershire and executive head of two schools in West Sussex and Surrey I have skills and expertise to support the school in its aims to achieve the best outcomes for the children. I have worked for the Diocese as an RE adviser and am a governor of another Catholic school. My grandchildren attend St Wilfrid’s which makes it a very special school to serve.


Camilla Bracken - Vice Chair of Governors  

Foundation Governor    Appointed – May 2019- 2023

Link Governor- Safeguarding and SCR

Relationship with Staff- None  

Registry of Interests (Business or Pecuniary)- None

I have two sons, both of whom attend St Wilfrid's. My husband and I were both raised in the Catholic faith and are keen for our sons to experience the benefits of a catholic education as we did.

Professionally, I am a Senior Audit Manager for a large multinational organisation within the financial services and employee benefits sector and also a member of the CIIA and Women in Leadership programme. Since graduating in 2003, I have worked in audit within many different sectors including; local government, schools, NHS, aviation as well as financial services. This has enabled me to gain an excellent understanding of governance as well as experience in supporting businesses to achieve their objectives. It is this experience coupled with my faith which I hope to draw upon for my role as a Foundation Governor to assist in making St Wilfrid’s even better than it already is!


Deacon Anthony Kinal  - Foundation Governor

Appointed – July   2021-2025

Link Governor- HTPM and School Chaplain

Relationship with Staff- None  

Registry of Interests (Business or Pecuniary)- None

I have been an ordained Deacon for 14 years in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton. In July 2020, I was assigned by Bishop Richard to serve at the parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea at East Preston which is the parish church for the school.

I want to maintain and develop the strong links that already exist between the school and the parish and I feel very privileged to be appointed as a Foundation Governor at this lovely school. I want to use this opportunity to help the school to continue to flourish in providing a sound education to each and every pupil.

I am very keen to work with the staff and my fellow governors to ensure that each child at the school has every opportunity to work to the best of their ability in an atmosphere which reflects the true love and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 


Elizabeth Leyton- Foundation Governor

Appointed May 2019-2023

Link Governor – Catholic Life of the School

Relationship with Staff- None  

Registry of Interests (Business or Pecuniary)- None

Having lived in the village for over 38 years, there is now a 3rd generation of the family who attends St. Wilfrid’s school.

In the past I have been involved in many activities with the school, and within the Parish Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea.

I love being involved in working with children, especially those who may need extra help to fulfil their potential.

My main occupation is bookkeeping, and hobbies extend to various (and many) arts & crafts.


Jessica Sage -  Foundation Governor

Appointed – May 2021-2025

Link Governor- RE and English

Relationship with Staff- None  

Registry of Interests (Business or Pecuniary)- None

Having been a secondary school teacher for nine years, working in Catholic schools, I have a well-rounded knowledge of the world of education both as a classroom teacher and also taking on Head of Year responsibilities. I have plenty of pastoral experience which emphasises to me the need for a smooth transition from year 6 through to secondary school – an area I am keen to be involved in. 

I am eager to help to support the needs of the children, staff and parents within the vital framework of the Catholic ethos.  As a Catholic myself, I have been a catechist for children preparing for their First Holy Communion and teenagers preparing for Confirmation.  I would very much appreciate the opportunity to help the school spread Catholic values to the wider community.

I know how vital the role of a governor is in making important decisions for the school and am willing and committed to helping play a part in this.  As a parent and educator, I understand the importance of placing the needs of our children first and foremost in order to achieve a happy and thriving school community.


James Witchell -Towers-  Local Authority Governor

Appointed - July 2022-2026

Link Governor- Health and Safety and Pupil Premium

Relationship with Staff- None  

Registry of Interests (Business or Pecuniary)- None

My eldest child attended St Wilfrid’s for 3 years and had a smooth transition to secondary school, my son started in reception in September 2021.  I am both happy and impressed at the school. I have worked with children for 13 years. I specialise in children who have learning, behavioural and emotional difficulties. I am passionate about giving every child the best opportunity to learn academically and grow socially and emotionally. In my time working with young people from being a support worker up to operations manager my goal has never changed and my focus has always been child centered and making sure all the young people I am responsible for, have the best outcomes. I do this by working closely with all agencies and making sure the child’s voice is heard. I want to know the issues and I want to be able to support and help where I can. Of course this is no longer just a professional goal and passion, I now have my own children attending the school so have a very personal interest in helping in any way I can to improve standards. I see this as a long term plan and hope to support for years to come and not a short term project as we know consistency is key in all of our lives. Children find security and safety in consistency and that is what I will bring. Over seeing multiple children’s home and supporting young people leaving care has given me a lot of experience of managing money, working with different agencies and handling very complex emotions and behaviours and how this impacts on education. I am both highly qualified and trained to work with young people. My admin and management roles have given me the experience and knowledge to also do the practical tasks from budgeting to risk assessments. I really hope I am allowed to show all of the skills and experience I can bring to the fantastic team of staff at St Wilfrid’s school.


Sarah Zarri- Parent Governor

Appointed- September 2022-2026

Link Governor - TBA

Relationship with Staff- None  

Registry of Interests (Business or Pecuniary)- None

I have two children in St. Wilfrid's and am excited to be part of the governing body. I feel strongly that all children should be provided the opportunity to have a fun education where they are supported to achieve their very best. 

I have worked in Child Protection and with Looked After Children for 14 years and have a keen interest in ensuring that all children are cared for, protected and given the best opportunities. 


Monica Hetherington - Staff Governor

Appointed - September 2022

Relationship with Staff - None

Register of Interests (Business or Pecuniary) – None


Natalie Carless - Headteacher

Appointed - September 2022 

Relationship with Staff – None  

Register of Interests (Business or Pecuniary) – None


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