Information for families about reading.
Please click on the link below to find our information about the opportunities we give the children from reception through to year six to learn how to read and put their skills into practice!
At St. Wilfrid's we believe in working closely with our families to ensure the very best for our children and school community. At the start of key stage one we ask the parents and staff to sign a special agreement. In key stage two we also ask the children to sign the agreement.
This means that we all accept our role and responsibility to help the children do their best as school and home and follow our school rules. The document is very important as we can use it to remind everyone of our core purpose when we need to! They were written by the school council, staff and parents to give everyone a chance to give their views.
Everyone is asked to sign it and return to the school office, we keep a copy on file and send a copy home.
Click on the link to see a copy of the home/school agreements.
Parent information book for children taking part in the Phonics Screening test
This useful and friendly booklet will help you to understand all about the phonics screening activity the children in year on take part in during the summer term.
Parent Information for those children taking their end of KS2 SATS
Internet safety information for parents
This useful powerpoint gives you information about how we teach ICT at St. Wilfrid's and how we keep the children safe when using the INTERNET. There are some practical and fun activities to do to keep up to date with social media and ICT!