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St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School Hope in God

Sports Premium and PE

Teacher Led sports Clubs - 2021/22

St Wilfrid's PE Policy - reviewed 2022

School Games Award 2021/22


Home Learning Resources from Premier Sports:

By following the link below you can sign up and gain access to download all of the Premier Education Group 'Stay Active' home learning PE lessons -


Premier Sports Videos:

The sessions range from street dance to yoga and kids fitness to gymnastics, can be done inside and use little to no equipment. Parents can even join in with some of the skill challenges and dance routines -

St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School is committed to growing girls' football and supporting the vision that “every girl has equal access to football in school by 2024”

Quality Start and School Games Mark

PE is an important part of the wider curriculum at St Wilfrid's. We understand high quality PE helps boost children's confidence, builds teamwork skills and class togetherness and will help children begin a life long journey of sporting passion.

Why not check out our Social Media accounts and see what we get up to? Instagram: stwilfridsangmering Facebook: St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School Twitter/ X: stwilfridsang
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