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St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School Hope in God

Power Maths

Power Maths

At St Wilfrid’s we use Power Maths as the basis of our daily maths lessons. This is an exciting and inspiring class mastery approach, which has been recommended by the Department for Education. 


Every lesson is divided into sections that involve plenty of discovery, sharing, thinking together, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking.  Each child has their own Practice Book in which they answer questions and discuss their thinking with their teacher.


At the heart of this programme is the idea that all children can be successful mathematicians with the right mind-set.  Children learn alongside five characters, each with different mathematical characteristics.  These characters are:

Times Table Rock Star

All children (from Y1-Y6) have access to Times Table Rock Star  Children are encouraged to practice their times tables (and the inverse) under timed conditions, similar to those they will tested under in the national Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check from Spring 2020.  


If you have any questions or would like more detail about the maths at St Wilfrid's, please arrange to speak to Miss Carless (Maths Leader)

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