Dear Families
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement earlier this evening, you will be aware by now that St Wilfrid’s will be closed until February half term, except for the children of Key Workers and vulnerable children.
Today, the School Office has contacted families by email and asked you to reply if you think you qualify as a Key Worker. Please reply to the school office as soon as possible if you think you require a place for your child(ren) and no later than 11:30am on Tuesday 5th January.
Tomorrow St Wilfrid’s will be closed to all children to allow the staff to plan and prepare to move all teaching online for Wednesday and finalise the list of Key Workers. Whilst the Senior Leaders and the Governors were able to make a head start on this today, Teachers and Learning Support Assistants attended a 6-hour First Aid course and need time to adapt the lesson plans they prepared over the Christmas holidays. We have yet to receive any further guidance from the Department for Education regarding education provision during Lockdown, other than what we heard in the Prime Minister’s briefing earlier this evening. We expect this further guidance to be published tomorrow.
We will aim to open St Wilfrid’s to Key Worker and vulnerable children on Wednesday 6th January. We will communicate with families tomorrow when we have collated all your replies and allocated places.
This announcement has come as somewhat of a surprise, given where we were at the end of last term. We were very much looking forward to welcoming the children back and will be disappointed not to see them all tomorrow. Rest assured however that since the previous lockdown St Wilfrid’s has come a long way in its provision for Remote Learning. We have detailed plans as to what we can offer, and our aim will be to include those children who are not in school in as many whole school and class activities as we possibly can. Further information on remote learning will be sent to families tomorrow.
Kind regards
Mrs Reynolds